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A'COOL Peptide Crystals  (Musicle Specialized)


1、Re-construction muscle and tendon
    Muscle is mainly posed of the action and myosin, and the use of cell-cell adhesion peptides for the crystal, but also one of the body compositions of materials. Peptide crystals, although not a major constituent of muscle tissue, but muscle growth peptide crystals and has a close relationship. For young people who are in the growth phase, to add A’cool peptide crystal to promote growth hormone secretion and muscle growth And adults who want to stay in shape, fit and shape the muscles also need strong complement peptide crystals. Bone and muscle is connected to each other by peptide crystals, and where special crystals called peptides tendon, love can be peptide crystal formed by three-dimensional skeleton of the body can maintain good posture, and render the appropriate flexibility. A’cool peptide crystal can promote muscle and tendon tissue reconstruction.

2、Repair articular cartilage
    By the normal human articular cartilage, joint capsule, ligaments and other joint fluid and bone composition. The ends of the bone cartilage bone can protect bone to avoid wear and tear. Proteolyses and type II collagen accounts for about 90% to the proportion of cartilage. Cartilage itself is a porous structure, which is a peptide crystal formed of slender fiber network, proteolyses is a flexible ball, water filling in it. When these components intact, the cartilage can be better load gravity, if fewer collagen, proteolyses and peptides make crystal sets of the network connection is loose, making the joint susceptible to deformation in the force and accelerate wear. As the peptide crystal structure is responsible for the framework of cartilage and its shape, so to add the right amount of love can be peptide crystals can maintain the body's own auto repair cartilage, joint wear and tear and damage protection, but also the prevention of osteoarthritis caused by a variety of reasons .

3、Repair and re-construction Wound site
    In trauma, especially after surgery may produce local adhesion is wound to restore an important part, how to reduce the adhesion of the occurrence is to ensure that wound site fast healing simply means, taking love can polypeptide crystal to prevent wound healing when unnecessary tissue adhesions, surgery can repair the wound as quickly as possible, to speed up patient recovery after surgery is essential.
For the other side as long as the resulting trauma, after surgery to add peptide crystals are very favorable for wound healing.

4、Skin, muscle tightening
    The reason why people age, physical deterioration, loss of skin luster and elasticity, in addition to age is irresistible factors, peptide crystals Father asserts: "the skin aging process is the decomposition of peptide crystals was lost in the process."
    A’cool peptide crystals in the activity of small molecules into the dermal tissue, can quickly fill the partial collapse and restore the skin cell activity, activation of the internal elastic skin collagen generation, so that the cell wall to keep the young state, so that cells exchange nutrients increasing matrix structure to maintain and repair the skin cells within the matrix structure, restore cell function, increase cell activity and thus improve the loose, tighten the skin, muscles stronger, reducing deep wrinkles, heal fine lines, bags under the eyes, etc., delay skin aging, skin reproduce fine young man, reverse the aging process.

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